Week 11: Fieldwork of The Sustainable Development.

Assalamualaikum . In this week 11, I am going to share about the Fieldwork of he Sustainable Development. Basicaally, it consists of: - How do you find the project so far? -How much Percentage completed and how much to be done ? -How about group members commitment? -What are the challenges facing the group? -How do you assure education of sustainable development in your project?
Our group made a decision to do a project on Reused Plastic Bottles Into Pencil Cases Among Neighbourhood In Tanjung Batu Laut ,Tawau Sabah. This project is basically to collect bottles around the neighbourhood in Tanjung Batu Laut. As we know, this village is near with the sea and there are many rubbish that could harm the life below water which is one of the goals in Sustainable Development. Case Study and Interview are the methods that we use in this project. Two members in this group visit the site and do some interview sessions with the residents there. We are committed in our project and make sure all is done in good way. The challenges are quite a few. For example, we live in different places, and that is why we have divided our group tasks wisely so it will be fair for us. We choose the goal “Life Below Water” in Sustainable Development for our project as in Tanjung Batu Laut, is near with the sea and there is a pollution right over there.


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