Week 1 :Introduction
Assalamualaikum. Hi everyone. My name is Nurul Husna Binti Shukor. So i am a first year student in Kuliyyah of Education for Tesl(Teaching English as A Second Language). It has been a long time i did not update my blog. So in this blog,I will upload some topics about my course which is Sustainable Development. This is for my assignments but I really hope that all of you can get benefits from whatever i shared with.Alright... Let's get started. First of all, i want to thanks my lecturer, Prof. Dr. Suhaimi , for giving me an opportunity to write a blog.
Basically this course is about how we see the nowadays problem on economy,social and environment which has caused the pollution and others.So there are some ways and idea to overcome this problem and maintain the needs for the future generation.
Hope you will enjoy reading my blog while understanding the knowledges that i shared with all of you.Thank you.
Assalamualaikum. Excellent reflection
BalasPadamGood sharing