
Tunjukkan catatan dari Mac, 2021

Week 4: Fundamental of Islam and Development.

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. How are you today?I hope you are doing fine. ;) Well, for today, im going to share about what i have learnt during the last class.The fundamental of Islam and Development. In this blog, I want to give some reflection on the relationship with Allah, human beings and environment. Human like us, we must taking care about our relationship with Allah as not only just performing prayer everyday but we need to be His servants, try to do as many good deeds as we could and avoiding any sins. But we are still humans, we will make mistake everyday. So, these are some of the activities that we could do to strengthen our relationship with God.   Sunnah prayer such as Tahajjud Doing tahajjud while everyone else are still sleeping is very calming because at that time, it is only between us and Allah . Doing prayer and telling everything to Allah is such a very good moment. Then, it makes us feel ore closer and the relationship becomes stronger...

Week 3: Issues of Sustainable Development

Assalamualaikum.Hi everyone,so in this topic,i will share with all of you on what is happening around my village. During 2015, there was the Southeast Asian haze. It was caused by forest fires in Indonesia and has affected many countries including Malaysia. Haze is a very common among the world as it happens almost every year. But since the pandemic Covid 19 spreading around the world, we rarely see the haze issue at this moment as the people need to stay at home for quite a long time. Well as you can see in this picture, this is the API Table (Air Pollutant Index) in Malaysia. I live in Batu Pahat, Johor and we can see clearly that the Air Pollutant Index is very good and shows that the quality of the air is very good. In order to maintain this air quality , we need to do something. I could remind myself and others including my family and my neighbours to not burn the garbages around the houses as it could damage the air quality. Instead, we can choose to recycle our garbages ...

Week 2: Introduction to Sustainable Development.

 Bismillah. Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! :) Today I am going to share and write a review on the introduction to sustainable development. Sustainable development has its own 17 goals. In this blog, I will talk an share some experiences and knowledges which are related to the Life on Land. This is actually the 15th goal in the Sustainable Development. As you can see my house was surrounded by many palm trees. Well basically if you live in Johor, especially in Felda, you will see lots of palm trees everyday. Sometimes I feel bored because I need to see the same trees everyday, that is why, when I go to the highway or forest , I could see variety of trees which are different and I love to see the shape, types, and colours of the trees. Haha. Okay back to our topic. Palm trees... Lets think about what are the benefits that we can get by planting the palm trees? Firstly, every time the workers picking the palm fruits, the owner of the palm trees ca...

Week 1 :Introduction

 Assalamualaikum. Hi everyone. My name is Nurul Husna Binti Shukor. So i am a first year student in Kuliyyah of Education for Tesl(Teaching English as A Second Language). It has been a long time i did not update my blog. So in this blog,I will upload some topics about my course which is Sustainable Development.  This is for my assignments but I really hope that all of you can get benefits from whatever i shared with.Alright... Let's get started.  First of all, i want to thanks my lecturer, Prof. Dr. Suhaimi , for giving me an opportunity to write a blog. Basically this course is about how we see the nowadays problem on economy,social and environment which has caused the pollution and others.So there are some ways and idea to overcome this problem and maintain the needs for the future generation.  Hope you will enjoy reading my blog while understanding the knowledges that i shared with all of you.Thank you. Let see this picture.So basically if you entered the IIUM ,yo...

Diari Bicara Berirama SMK Senggarang 2016

Assalamalaikum...Okayyy...Hari ni Nurul nak cerita pasal pasukan Bicara Berirama sekolah Nurul.Tahun 2016 kitorang ada masuk satu pertandingan anjuran Tabung Haji.Alhamdulillah,kitorang dapat gelaran juara.Atas berkat usaha dan doa,kitorang berjaya.Yeah!!! Sepanjang latihan,banyak kenangan yang kitorang dapat kutip.Nak kata peristiwa lucu tu...Hmmm..memanglah ada kan.Haha...Apa yang tak sangkanya,kitorang menang walaupun pesaing -pesaing yang lain hebat -hebat belaka.Banyak idea kreatif yang dilontarkan daripada ahli pasukan lelaki...Nurul pun tak terfikir nak lontarkan idea yang macam tu... Nurul masuk kumpulan bicara berirama ni sejak tingkatan 1.Sebenarnya kawan yang ajak masuk.Bicara Berirama a.k.a Biber ni banyak mengajar Nurul erti bekerjasama,tolak ansur,berani..Sebab selama ni Nurul orangnya penakut.Malu untuk berada di depan orang ramai. Okay ni masa kitorang nak bergerak...Kitorang ada dekat depan sekolah masa tu.Then,kitorang semua bergambar dekat perkarangan sekolah....