Week 4: Fundamental of Islam and Development.

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. How are you today?I hope you are doing fine. ;) Well, for today, im going to share about what i have learnt during the last class.The fundamental of Islam and Development. In this blog, I want to give some reflection on the relationship with Allah, human beings and environment. Human like us, we must taking care about our relationship with Allah as not only just performing prayer everyday but we need to be His servants, try to do as many good deeds as we could and avoiding any sins. But we are still humans, we will make mistake everyday. So, these are some of the activities that we could do to strengthen our relationship with God. Sunnah prayer such as Tahajjud Doing tahajjud while everyone else are still sleeping is very calming because at that time, it is only between us and Allah . Doing prayer and telling everything to Allah is such a very good moment. Then, it makes us feel ore closer and the relationship becomes stronger...